Along with the time, technology and traditions both are changing. The job search trends have
also changed with time quite substantially. They are taking shape in a more global format and
the past ways of entering a market are no more valid or gainful today.
Businesses have changed and so has changed the way they hire people. Most of the companies are now shifting from a rigid structure towards a more flexible work environment and more intense recruitments.
So, here are the top 10 job search trends that are going on in the present market.
1. Resume Structure
With the job market becoming global due to the widespread of internet and technology candidates are thinking of their careers in a global perspective now.
As it is forecasted that unemployment will increase in the coming years, people are now looking for jobs out of their native country. All of this has led to a multinational resume structure for the candidates.
Some of the past rules of writing a resume, like an objective or such irrelevant things have now become a cliché. A multinational resume is a 2-page document with strong positioning, branding, achievements and keyword infusion. Another way to set a candidate’s experience apart is visual branding.
2. LinkedIn profile
As recruiter and employer reliance on LinkedIn for candidate sourcing is continuing to rise, it is a must for the job seekers to have a well-developed LinkedIn profile that will showcase their potentials and special abilities and will portray their career as a story.
To have a nice decorated LinkedIn profile, the job seekers should embed multimedia content in their profile such as documents, spreadsheets, videos, audios, images, and presentations. These, in essence, create a career portfolio which in long-term records of career advancements are recorded.
3. Networking
Networking has always been the number 1 way of landing a new job. It is a very obliging matter to have a good relationship with the people who wither recruit or directly know the recruiters. This tactic of job search has become more important in light of the proliferation of employee referral programs.
Companies nowadays recruit a lot from their internal pool of talent. And the value of employee referrals and relationships in getting the employer’s trust is also getting more and more important in the present days. Hence, networking and employee referrals are now one of the most popular jobs search trends.
4. Being active on social media
Social media has now reached a new dimension in our lives. We cannot start our day without breakfast. Food is an integral part of our lives.
Social media has now become such part of our lives. Recruiters nowadays do a screening of the social networking profiles of candidates before hiring.
Thus, in addition to LinkedIn, job seekers should also have at least one or two other social media profiles, preferably Facebook and Twitter. Facebook and Twitter are often considered highly
dangerous networking media for careerists to openly publish your thoughts.
5. Innovation in Career Communication
People are coming up with newer ways to understand their own qualities and brand themselves. Most of the successful candidates land a job because they succeed to show innovation in their career.
While resumes and LinkedIn profiles are necessary for many candidates, there are a wide variety of tools available for those who are willing to stand out from the crowd. Some of these tools are one page networking resume, leadership bios, brand bios, online portfolios, multimedia presentations, e notes rather than traditional cover letters, etc.
6. The Transition Tool- LinkedIn
Any job seeker can create a network in any field, industry, geographic region within weeks to months through LinkedIn if they have the right strategy and execution. Beside these are LinkedIn groups that help the job seekers in many ways.
There is a special group that helps those who are in a transition in their career. Hence the use of LinkedIn in case of career transition has become another major
Job market trend.
7. Market your values to the HR people actively
HR’s job is to screen, sort and delete candidate. Often, they are overawed and understaffed. Candidates can find their path to the pot of career gold by directly meeting these people or people who know the person who hires. Then they can show their personality more effectively before the recruitment and get a chance before handed to create a good business relationship with that person.
8. Volunteer
Volunteering is not just giving your time and energy and being charitable, it also has its returns. Apart from all the good deed related to it, volunteering can actually bring in new opportunities to be received.
Through face to face or other personal interactions, you can build new relationships or garner the ear of someone who takes a liking to you and can help you get into your next great performance. Volunteering nowadays play a great role in respect of screening a candidate’s resume also. Hence, volunteer and be charitable, it brings good from all sides.
9. Portfolio careers are on the rise
The trend of a long time full-time job is no more present now, rather the trend is becoming project-based jobs. As the trend of hiring workers on a project basis, so is the rise of self-employment.
Employers are now into laying off full-time staff and rehiring key talent in consulting roles. Also, the trend of outsourcing tasks has also increased. Because of all of these, it is very important to have
a good and strong portfolio ready to join the competition in the present market.
10. Proactive career management
Ongoing career management is the secret to long-term employment. Professionals and executives need to stay updated with their resumes, LinkedIn profiles, and career progression even though they are not in the active job search mode.
Candidates need to work hard to brand themselves. They need to sell themselves with something unique. In the present world, effective branding opens the
door to opportunities, hence not having something like this is equivalent to career suicide.