What is Passive Listening?

The listing is a very important skill. Generally, listening can be divided into two classes. One is active listening and another is passive listening. In active listening, the listener takes part in the communication by responding. But in the passive listening, the listener does not take part in the conversation. The listener might not respond as they are not able to respond. For instance, if you are jogging while earphones in the plugs, then you might not sing the song or while listening to radio your response may not be in effect so that you do not respond to the listening process.

Job Description of IT Consultant

It is now impossible to think of an oorganisationwithout an IT department. IT specialist plan, develop, organize, maintain and control the IT related matters for their organization. They can work on contract or they also can be hired for full time jobs. Nowadays the It consultant or manager, whichever you like to denote them, plays a vital role in an organization. There are so many firms now are totally internet based. Almost 90% of the work is done by these managers.

What are the advantages of database?

Database sometimes called as data bank is the storage of the data where every kind of data is kept. Data procurement, searching out, preservation and proper usage of the data is a quite tough job if data is stored in files. It is now impossible to find any organisation without a database. Although there is some problem with having data bank the modern need makes it compulsory to have a data bank. Even some institution has more than one database.

The Things that Make Your Resume Stunning

Writing a resume that will reflect your capability, character, personality and the skills, is one of the toughest jobs on the earth, isn’t it? You sit hours after hours in front of computers to create a self-reflecting resume. But, how would you feel when your resume is dumped every time just for the lack of proper presentations? I bet it would feel like disasters for you.

Resume Goes to Recycle Bin

Why Your Resume Goes to Recycle Bin

For a specific job the employers have to look through thousands of resumes. Generally, a resume gets 20-30 seconds to be shortlisted. The more resumes the shorter time per resume gets to be shortlisted. Though fulfilling all the requirements a resume may become trashed within seconds for very tiny mistake. Some common causes that may make your resume thrashed are-

What Recruiters Look for within You in an Interview?

You always try to know what people think about you, mostly when you go for an interview. Many regrets after giving an interview that if they had guessed the perception of the employees then he/she could get the job.

But is it an easy job? Think, how many times you have been correct about guessing the behavior of the people surrounding you? I guess the number would not be very big. Rather in most cases, our judgment regarding the future activity of any person goes wrong. And if the question comes to guess about the thinking of the recruiter seating just opposite to you, will be one of the toughest things on the earth.